#inversed doppelgängers
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kieran-culkins · 1 year ago
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Paul Atreides & Feyd Rautha in Dune: Part Two // Dune by Frank Hubert, Chapter 48
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10thmusemoon · 4 months ago
You know how fics will have SY/SJ show up and be like “yeah that’s my bro, we were separated as children [aggressive eye contact at YQY]” with the full expectation that he’ll play along
Can you imagine the inverse happening though?
Idk maybe SY transmigrates into Xuan Su or something and cultivates a form to Advance the Plot. Suddenly a YQY clone shows up, wearing the same kindly face but dripping with sarcasm, claiming they’re brothers?
Shen Jiu would nearly Qi deviate at the first “ge” from Shen yuan’s mouth. He would be stalking Qiong ding peak to try to uncover whatever scheme this is before yqy is taken advantage of. LBH avoids his fate simplicity because SQQ is too busy stewing in jealousy, fury, and self loathing at the audacity of being replaced by some doppelgänger.
(There’s the secret fourth emotion at suddenly seeing two YQY’s who are just so comfortable with physical touch…)
It wouldn’t take long for SQQ to try to corner yqy to bully the truth out of him, only for SY to intercept at every step because he’s all too aware of YQY’s weak spot for this man. Meanwhile airplane is having a heart attack because WHOMST THE FUCK is that?? He didn’t authorize this Mary Stu shit?!! (When he discovers its peerlesscucumber he 100% thinks they’ve transmigrated into his self insert fic of pidw)
No one is having a good time except maybe LQG who suddenly has a new free shixiong to sniff around.
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matthew2641 · 1 month ago
A Baptism in Blood: The Nihilistic Purification of Hannibal
The notion of forgiveness, as expounded through the discourses of theological and moral philosophy, is a sacrosanct act of severance  - an ontological renewal through which individuals extricate themselves from past transgressions and recalibrate their moral and spiritual equilibrium. In the Christian paradigm, absolution is more than a juridical reprieve; it is an act of divine purgation, not merely pardoning sin but obliterating it, restoring innocence and severing its corrupting power. However, in Hannibal, this notion is deliberately perverted: forgiveness is not a liberation but an instrument of subjugation. Here, absolution transforms into an ouroboric rite - a macabre liturgy in which supplicants become ensnared within a necrotic lattice of control, culpability, and annihilation.
One aspect in which this perversion manifests is within the series’s rich visual and symbolic motifs. The sumptuous meals that Hannibal prepares are more than just indulgences of the flesh; they are sacraments suffused with an unholy grandeur. Such lavish repasts exist as malevolent doppelgängers of the Christian tradition of the Eucharist, meant to symbolise transubstantiation of Christ’s flesh into a vehicle of grace, Hannibal’s consumption by contrast, is a damnation - devouring rather than sanctifying, his victims desecrated in an unctuous theatre of aestheticised predation. Moreover, the recurring image of water furthers this inversion. Initially invoking the cleansing imagery of baptismal purification, water is rendered an agent of chaos. No cleansing flows from its depths, only a primal abyss, harkening back to the amniotic void. The act of submerging oneself in water, often shown as violent or disturbing, mutates into a harbinger of failed renewal. In this universe, salvation is not a promise of true spiritual redemption, but a bitter mirage that remains forever out of reach.
Nowhere is this corruption more evident than in the complex dynamics between Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, and Abigail Hobbs. These relationships transcend simple character interplay, becoming a dialectical struggle for domination - a form of esoteric communication in which forgiveness is neither beatific nor emancipatory, only a talisman of domination. Love, by extension, is not an unblemished vessel of tenderness; rather, a festering wound aching with ruinous yearning. Encumbered by self-interest, mutual defilement, and the inexorable erosion of the self.
Will and Hannibal, though seemingly poised at opposite ends of the moral spectrum, perceive Abigail not as an autonomous individual but as a conceptual artifact. She is a spectral effigy of lost purity - an ersatz daughter for Will, and for Hannibal, a revenant for his beloved Mischa - a fulcrum upon which their competing theological visions pivot. The visual syntax of the series accentuates the dissonant and impossible nature of her position - she is placed in spaces of tension, at the margins of the frame or physically estranged from the protagonists, yet never truly outside of their gravitational pull. In this way, her existence is marked by the temporal stasis of purgatory: a suspended, interstitial space where she remains forever on the cusp of identity, never wholly belonging to either father figure, and yet, inextricably tied to both. 
Christian eschatology heralds forgiveness as a conduit through which the soul is restored to its Edenic purity. Yet, Abigail is a soul exiled from such simplistic dualities, contesting this purity model. Neither wholly victim nor unrepentant perpetrator, she is caught between the inherited monstrosity of her father and conscious agency. Through an awareness of this fact, she seeks not purification, but survival. Will seeks to absolve her in Potage (S1E3), reflecting the previously outlined transactional view of absolution: “You’re not your father. You’re not the monster he wanted you to become.” Here, Will assumes the role of a Christ-like redeemer, his forgiveness appearing as a salvific benediction meant to deliver her from the taint of her father’s sins. However, this is a forgiveness steeped in self-deception, for Will, pardoning Abigail is not a divine absolution but a desperate invocation of lost agency, an illusory salve for his own complicity in the horrors that have shaped her existence. His forgiveness does not cleanse - it merely recontextualizes, a futile endeavour attempting to transmute guilt into grace. This aligns with Freud’s concept of repetition compulsion, wherein trauma is unconsciously reenacted in a doomed effort to master it. Will is no benevolent saviour; but a man entrapped in the recursive architecture of his own psyche, seeking in Abigail the scaffold upon which to reconstruct his fragmented self. Abigail, like Will, remains trapped in the moral ambiguity of her actions - a state of perpetual suspension denied both salvation and damnation. Will’s ultimate descent into annihilation, culminating in his sanguinary embrace with Hannibal in The Wrath of the Lamb (S3E13), is the apotheosis of this compulsion. His self-immolation is far from an act of transcendence, but an ecstatic obliteration -  an offering of the self upon the altar of a love too corrosive to sustain anything but devastation. By embracing Hannibal and consummating his surrender to the abyss Will conflates destruction with agency.
Hannibal, in contrast, reframes Abigail’s trauma as an inheritance, her father’s sins are not burdens to be expunged, but rather emblems of a greater power. In Potage, he tells her, “You accepted who he was. You will always have that over Will. You already knew your father. He had to wonder.” Rather than offering liberation, Hannibal reshapes Abigail’s identity through his forgiveness, binding her to him, not as an act of grace but of possession. Unlike Will, who seeks to absolve Abigail of her past, Hannibal weaponizes it, turning it into the foundation for her rebirth under his guidance. In this respect Abigail, too, finds herself in the circuitry of repetition compulsion. Having been raised in a world where survival meant complicity, she may have found Hannibal's tutelage familiar. In helping stage her own death, she attempts to reclaim agency, denouncing emancipation in favour of continuity through submission to a structure she understands and now believes has the means to navigate, a fatalistic embrace of the cycle. Abigail’s transformation from victim to willing participant in Hannibal’s world marks her final, tragic rejection of Will’s version of redemption. She no longer seeks forgiveness in the traditional sense; she seeks something more elusive - her own place in a world devoid of clear moral absolutes.
Hannibal, however, is no supplicant. He does not yearn for forgiveness as a means of redemption; he demands it as an enthronement. His lament to Will, “I let you know me. See me. I gave you a rare gift, but you didn’t want it,” is not merely an elegy of rejection but an indictment of disobedience. For Hannibal’s desire is not purification but acceptance, and thus his transgressions are not aberrations but testaments to his divinity, earning exaltment. In this way, he is not simply a perversion of the Christ figure - he is a parodic Messiah, a devouring wolf clothed in the sheep's vestments. For Hannibal, forgiveness is not an act of grace but a mechanism of consumption: to forgive him is to surrender, to relinquish oneself utterly. Will, though a long faltering disciple, eventually succumbs to the ecstatic inevitability of this theology in Mizumono (S2E13). During which he allows himself to be gored in a "strange surrender," as Bryan Fuller describes it: "He allows the gutting. He almost feels as if he deserves it in light of what he’s done; he’s betrayed Hannibal." An oblation offered in penance for his own betrayal. This is not a fault in his forgiveness, but its consummation: an eschatological revelation in which he does not simply forgive Hannibal, but surrenders to the all-consuming sanctity of his doctrine.
Abigail’s final moments in Mizumono serve as the ultimate repudiation of Christian forgiveness. Her resurrection, a grotesque parody of divine rebirth, is devoid of redemptive meaning. She is not restored to life in a triumphant sense but merely to become a pawn in Hannibal’s grand tragedy. When Hannibal slits Abigail’s throat, it is not an act of wrath but the fulfilment of his twisted liturgy. He "saved" Abigail, in the sense that he let her live under his wing, but her existence was always contingent upon his will and in failing to become his ideal, she is excised with the same clinical elegance with which she was preserved. In Christian doctrine, failing to receive divine forgiveness results in eternal separation from God. Hannibal, as an almost godlike figure in his own narrative, enacts this separation with brutal finality. This slaughter consolidates the theological schema Hannibal wishes to impose upon his world, that there is no celestial amnesty as we understand it, no boundless agape through which the fallen may be redeemed - there is merely possession and excision. The very method of Abigail’s undoing, the languid incision across her throat, mimics the Christian iconography of the Paschal lamb, a sacrificial archetype of innocence. Though, unlike the sanctified oblation of Christ, Abigail is stripped of volition and thus redemptive teleology; not martyred but discarded, reduced to an ornamental casualty in Hannibal’s cathedral of ruin. As her body was cradled against the cavernous dark of her surroundings, the composition recalls the Pietà, yet absent of its sublimity. This is not the Madonna lamenting the body of a crucified Son, but a predatory deity relinquishing his broken creation with preordained savagery. Then, as the desecration is completed, Hannibal steps into the storm, allowing for the rain to baptise him in an additional blasphemous mimicry of penitential ablution. But this is no true purification, no soul is made luminous beneath the torrential downpour, it simply erases. A nihilistic effacement washing away all false pretences that both Will and Hannibal had married themselves to - that Abigail might yet be redeemed, that Hannibal might be anything but consuming. 
In the wake of Abigail’s death, Will is left to contend with the futility of his forgiveness. His attempts to redeem her, to offer absolution were rendered impotent. Abigail had not only failed in being liberated but had the tragedy of her existence prolonged. Such profound inevitability led Will to become more amenable to Hannibal’s version of forgiveness, and ultimately submit himself to it fully. In the grand design of Hannibal, forgiveness does not sever the shackles of guilt - it tightens them, binding its recipients in the recursive waltz of moral contamination. In this exquisite distortion of Christian sacrament, lies the surest route of destruction.
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wulfhalls · 11 months ago
denis saying the paulfeyd fight was approached like an intimate symbolic union… his ass will not be shying away from quasi-incestious paulalia vibes 🫡
let's gooooo off putting insane finish each others sentences knowing the others thoughts before they even say it psychic soul connection two sides of the same coin mirror images twin flames gothic doppelgänger inverse pictures of each other completing themselves thru the other spousesiblings co ruling their empire feel sooooo sick about them actually
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fantasyinvader · 1 year ago
Today, I had a revelation.
In Kamen Rider Ryuki, there's a rider who looks like Batman. Ren aka Kamen Rider Knight. Even has a bat-theme going on, as he's partnered with a bat monster. Ren is involved with the Rider War, a (rigged) battle royale where they last remaining Rider gets a wish granted. Ren's wish is to save his girlfriend, put into a coma by his bat-monster. But while Ren is angry and abrasive, he also struggles with the idea of actually killing others. He has to defeat an unknown person brainwashed into being the final boss Kamen Rider Odin (only for another Odin to pop up. Again, rigged), but he also grows close to some of the other Riders.
It's an interesting inversion. Batman is famous for his no-kill policy, justifying it that if he begins to kill criminals it'll become easier and easier until all he only stops criminals by killing them. It's a slippery slope argument, why he doesn't want to be judge, jury and executioner, and something to take into consideration with how many stories speculate on Batman's mental health.
But this is what got me, the MC is a rookie journalist (with a respected female sempai) who tries to stop Ren from killing. Shinji Kido just wants everyone to stop fighting each other and instead focus on stopping the monsters from eating unsuspecting civilians. Everyone finds him annoying, but other Riders do grow attached to him. Kamen Rider Raia sacrifices himself to save Shinji after his fortune telling said Shinji would die, and he believed his fortunes were always right. Ren finds himself conflicted on the matter, even tries to cut ties with Shinji.
Ryuki was Toei wanting to show kids what heroism actually was (despite introducing the first evil Riders). And it's answer is being willing to sacrifice yourself for others. Ren puts himself through hell to save his girlfriend. Goro replaces his master as Kamen Rider Zolda so his master can die in peace to his illness. Tiger wanted to be a hero, even sacrificing his mentor who always preached “the needs of the many...,” but is recognized as one when he sacrifices himself to save a child from a traffic accident. Again, Raia died protecting Shinji and Shinji dies protecting a little girl from monsters prior to the final battle. Sacrificing others is not heroic, Shinji taught us that.
Shinji is... the show's Superman. That's what I realized today. The one whose example inspires others. His klutziness isn't an act like it is with Clark, but he'll help out people out of a genuine desire to help. It's how he's introduced after all, getting into a fight with a driver on behalf of someone in an accident. And in his main finisher, he jumps to the skies in a pose right out of the comic books.
In the end, it's Shinji's influence that convinces the female lead Yui, a mirror doppelgänger of the big bad's dead sister, to convince her brother to let his sister go. To not sacrifice the Riders (and the civilians who get killed as collateral) in order to save her, using his powers to prevent the Rider War from ever happening after who-knows-how many timeloops...where Shinji always got involved and messed things up for him.
I hated Ryuki's ending when I first saw it, since it retconned the entire show, but as I got older I appreciated it more and more. Now I love it. I wonder if the Superman parallel was intentional. I mean, it's not like Western Superheroes are unknown over there. Legendary mangaka Osamu Tezuka was the president of a Superman fan club once upon a time, and the guy who drew Speed Racer also made a Superman manga, while Super Sentai borrowed elements from a Spider-man show Toei made in collaboration with Marvel comics. So...maybe? But considering how Superman has been restored to being a hope maker after being so cynical due to Man of Steel and the New 52, it's nice to think that in the early 2000's someone, even in Japan, knew what he was about and served as an inspiration for another hero.
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floripire · 3 days ago
"If I have to hear doppelgänger one more time, I'm going to have to learn how to spell it."
diaries of vampires / @flappervcmp
"d-o-p-p-e-l---oh, wait, you didn't mean it literally, did you? sorry."
she's no akeelah, but floribeth likes to think she could've won a spelling bee way back when. except, wait, that would've required her - past her, tiny her, kid her, baby her - to stand upon a stage and deal with beedy eyes gazing at her. and that would've required, you know, visibility; that is to say, it would've required an inverse of being invisible.
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"you know there are other terms for it, right, annie? twin stranger is one of them. and in the provincial glossary of 1787, mister grose - that is, g-r-o-s-e and not gross, though it's an easy leap to make - used the term fetch. in ancient egyptian lore, a ka is a tangible spirit double. and in greek lore, the term eidolon is used." a beat and then, almost cheerfully, floribeth adds: "all of those names i juist mentioned are much easier to spell."
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caramelontoast · 6 days ago
— 2017 M
'Real' - Time to Meet the Real Kim Soo-hyun
[Magazine M] The word "failure" has never existed in Kim Soo-hyun's (29) dictionary. Since his debut, he has consistently soared. Starting as a promising child actor, he leaped to stardom with Moon Embracing the Sun (2012, MBC) and then expanded his fame beyond Asia with My Love from the Star (2013–2014, SBS). His films The Thieves (2012, directed by Choi Dong-hoon) and Secretly, Greatly (2013, directed by Jang Cheol-soo) together attracted 20 million viewers. He wasn’t called “Kim Soo-hyun from the stars” for nothing.
For a star, maintaining an air of mystery is a given, and this mystery is inversely proportional to familiarity. The more his popularity soared, the greater the fantasy surrounding Kim Soo-hyun grew. That is why many were surprised when he appeared on Infinite Challenge (MBC) recently, showing his goofy and clumsy side. It was a sudden realization—Kim Soo-hyun is just an ordinary young man like us. He’s not a star from another world but a person standing on solid ground. Whether by coincidence or fate, it’s intriguing that after two years, he returned with a film titled Real (released on June 28, directed by Lee Sa-rang), which literally means "real" in English. Like many films with the doppelgänger concept, Real raises the question: “Who is the real one?” or even, “Am I real?”
Jang Tae-young (played by Kim Soo-hyun) is the ambitious boss of an organization preparing to open a casino. However, Jo Won-geun (played by Sung Dong-il), a powerful figure in the underworld, suddenly appears and claims ownership of the casino. Just as Jang Tae-young faces the risk of losing everything, a mysterious investor appears—another Jang Tae-young (also played by Kim Soo-hyun), who not only shares the same name but even starts to look identical to him. Playing both roles, Kim Soo-hyun unravels the secrets and conspiracies surrounding the two characters. Who is the real Jang Tae-young? And ultimately, who is the real Kim Soo-hyun?
When we met Kim Soo-hyun on June 20 for a cover shoot, our interview naturally converged on these very questions.
"It felt like torture... but I didn’t want anyone else to take the role."
It has been four years since your last film, Secretly, Greatly. Are you more excited or nervous?
"Real" felt overwhelmingly burdensome from the moment I first read the script. Now that it's also time for me to enlist in the military, this movie feels incredibly significant to me. I’m really nervous.
During a recent pre-release event, other actors mentioned that the script wasn’t easy to understand. What was your reaction when you first read it?
Out of 111 shooting days, I appeared in 101 of them. When I read the script, I thought, ‘Wow, how am I supposed to do this? This is crazy.’ It took me more than three hours just to read it the first time. And after finishing, I couldn’t stop thinking about it—I kept imagining the scenes in my head, like a picture forming in my mind. It felt like torture.
Yes, it was agonizing. But strangely enough, at some point, I realized I didn’t want anyone else to take this role. I wanted to do it. To be honest, I regretted it many times. It felt like I was going to die from the pressure—both during preparation and throughout filming.
What made it so difficult?
I think it was the power of the script. Normally, when something doesn’t quite work in a performance, you can let it go and move on. But this movie didn’t allow for that. There was no part that I could just skim over. It was my first time playing a dual role, and I wanted to express the characters in depth, but every time I tried to go deeper, I realized I had to dig into another part, and then another. I kept thinking, ‘If only there were four Kim Soo-hyuns, that would make things easier.’
It must have been a role that tested your acting abilities.
Yes. I actually enjoy challenges like this. Personally, I like feeling free and unrestrained, but at the same time, I work best when there’s pressure—when I have a heavy workload and can’t even sleep because I have so much to do. I think that’s when I produce my best work. Maybe it’s just my preference.
How did you differentiate the two Jang Tae-young characters?
"Their appearances are similar, so I spent time defining their attitudes differently. The boss Jang Tae-young is an ambitious person, but he basically despises many things. He is always dissatisfied. On the other hand, the mysterious investor Jang Tae-young is ready to absorb everything. He is so curious that he doesn’t want to miss anything. He’s like a four- or five-year-old child—just starting to learn how to speak."
Your eyes sparkled more when you talked about the second Jang Tae-young. Did you find it more interesting?
"This was the most stimulating role I’ve ever played. It was a very dangerous performance—one I never dared to attempt before. I’ve always had a desire for this kind of acting, so it was really exciting."
The second Jang Tae-young’s desire is to admire someone, follow them, and become like them.
"Hmm. It didn’t start from 'I want that' or 'I want to be like that.' Instead, it was more like 'That was originally my place. That was mine. I am the real one. What is that fake doing there?' So, from the beginning, his belief is different. In fact, this is exactly how I approach acting. I start by 'believing.' I believe in the situation. It’s not about taking someone else’s thing—it’s about reclaiming what was originally mine. That makes it easier to bring the character to life."
Acting is an interaction between action and reaction, but since you had many solo scenes, was that difficult?
"That’s right. It was Kim Soo-hyun talking to Kim Soo-hyun and responding to Kim Soo-hyun. But since I was fully aware of my own breathing rhythm and reacted according to the predetermined attitudes, it worked. I looked in the mirror a lot—to see what kind of expression I was making. Sometimes I would laugh to myself, and if my acting didn’t feel right, I’d say, 'Ah, what are you doing!' (laughs). It was fun."
Both the boss Jang Tae-young and the mysterious investor Jang Tae-young have a certain madness. The film’s setting and visuals also feel surreal. Your co-star Jo Woo-jin even said about your acting, 'His eyes would turn... I could see him losing himself in the film more and more.'
"We filmed for six months, and I think I was somewhat intoxicated by it. This was my first time experiencing it, but the energy from the film’s settings and visual art was incredibly strong—it was overwhelming. There were times when it was hard to even say a single word in certain sets. I’m curious to see how much of that energy translates into my performance."
The boss Jang Tae-young is portrayed as skilled in action sequences.
"You’ll see two types of action styles. One is the most precise and clean, a single decisive strike. The other is the most elegant, fluid motion. Have you seen Tai Chi Master (1993, directed by Yuen Woo-ping)? In it, when Jet Li throws a punch, he absorbs the shock from the opponent’s strike and redirects it outward. Every movement flows into the next. I memorized the choreography as if I were learning a dance routine. Since I struggle with physical movements, I started training at a boxing gym months before filming."
The film can be interpreted as a story about reality and illusion or even about identity.
"I also tried to interpret the film in the beginning and got it completely wrong. Since the story is like a twisted maze, if you follow one path too hard, you might end up somewhere entirely different. I think that’s the unique weapon of Real. After watching it, audiences will probably sit down for coffee and have completely different discussions about it."
But since you were at the center of the film, give us a hint on how to read it.
"While filming, I learned about a scholar’s theory that 'a person is only defined by others.' For example, everyone knows me as Kim Soo-hyun, so I can be Kim Soo-hyun. But one day, if people start calling me 'Tae-hyun'—'Hey, Tae-hyun, long time no see!'—and I say, 'No, I’m Soo-hyun,' but they insist, 'Stop joking, you’re Tae-hyun. Let’s go bowling. You love bowling, remember?' then, from that moment, I become Tae-hyun. No matter how much I struggle alone, it’s powerless. Real unfolds in a similar way, surrounding Jang Tae-young’s identity and perception."
Let’s talk about Kim Soo-hyun as an individual. There is ‘human Kim Soo-hyun’ among family and friends, and then there is ‘actor Kim Soo-hyun’ and ‘star Kim Soo-hyun’ on stage. Are they very different?
"In 2017, I turned 30 (by Korean age). I think the two are getting closer. At first, they were too far apart. I’m not sure which side is becoming braver, but I have high expectations. It seems like my agency worries about it a lot (laughs)."
Isn’t it a good thing that they’re getting closer?
"Yes. The further apart they are, the more mentally exhausting it becomes. When I look at my colleagues, seniors, and juniors, I see that the greater the distance, the harder it is for them. I guess I also realized that I can't endure it if they are too far apart. Maybe it’s a survival instinct."
It seems like you’ve felt a strong sense of separation between the two.
"There were days when I saw ‘Kim Soo-hyun on TV’ or ‘Kim Soo-hyun at an event’ and thought, ‘Ugh, he’s so annoying’ (laughs)."
Do you now feel confident in showing your true self to the public?
"Is it more like… it’s hard to hide? I think that’s the case. As I’ve grown older and time has passed, I’ve continued to change in my own way, and I feel like I’m gradually getting closer to myself. Maybe if I talk about this again when I’m around 40, I’ll feel differently."
Do you enjoy your popularity?
"Honestly, I couldn’t enjoy it at all. It’s because there was such a big gap between me and ‘actor Kim Soo-hyun.’ But as the gap started to close, I became grateful for everything."
Seeing how dedicated you are to bowling, it seemed like an effort to maintain a balance between life and work.
"Bowling used to be something that belonged to ‘human Kim Soo-hyun,’ but recently, I played on television (laughs). I don’t think I should be separating them anymore."
On ‘Infinite Challenge,’ you said that you like bowling because it’s not a game where you compete against an opponent, but rather a battle against yourself. How about acting? Is it a battle with yourself or competition with others?
"Acting is also a mental game, just like bowling. I think I enjoy mental games. Scoring in bowling is similar to performing emotional acting. For example, if I have to cry while acting in the middle of Myeongdong, but then someone passing by says, ‘Wow, it’s Kim Soo-hyun!’ ‘Are they filming?’ ‘What’s going on?’—then I can’t concentrate. I can’t just go and say, ‘We’re in the middle of filming for Real’ (laughs). And when I try to refocus, suddenly someone from another side shouts in Chinese, ‘Jing Suxian!’ Then it becomes even harder to concentrate. It’s truly a mental game—how much I can trust myself and how well I can focus on myself."
It has already been 10 years since your debut. How would you evaluate your past decade?
"If I look at it in small parts, there are things I regret and things I wish had gone differently. But looking at the bigger picture, I feel like I’ve used everything up without leaving anything behind. I’ve given my all."
What kind of roles would you like to play in your 30s?
"In the past, I used to say I wanted to play a con artist, a playboy, or a villain, and I would talk about it everywhere. But things didn’t go as planned. Living with set boundaries feels ambiguous. So now, I don’t have a fixed idea. If I come across a script like Real that keeps me up at night, I think I’d do it. But lately, I’ve been craving something really simple—just ordinary, everyday acting. I want to simplify things. No matter what role I take on, no matter what kind of stimuli I encounter in life, I want to be someone who can think and act simply."
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bizarrebazaar13 · 2 months ago
my sunless skies ocs were for some reason the easiest to figure out so:
Charles: the spiral. Parabola and fingerkings trauma, went mirror-mad, doesn’t know who he is.
Fornax: the lonely. yes she has some elements of the stranger, since she is literally a doppelgänger, but ultimately her story is about human connection/understanding and what happens when someone is denied that.
the Thane-in-Glass: the spiral. it spends way too much time and energy on its parabolan experiments.
the Tower of Thorns: the dark. a dark and mysterious place where you don’t know what waits in the shadows but you know it’s out to get you.
Mr Suns: the desolation. fire motifs, and it’s also very destructive. can be incredibly violent if provoked.
Mr Morbid: the end. a bit obvious perhaps. it collects things related to death and what is lost, and its role in the Tower is to remember what others forget.
Mr Masks: the stranger. identity is always mutable. it is the forgetting to Morbid’s remembering, and Masks and Morbid are twins created by the Thane to be the inverse of each other.
Hey, fallen london folks who also know tma. What fear would ur FL ocs be aligned with.
Mine would be:
Alex: The Lonely (something something troubled past and struggle to make connections, easier to push people away, comfort in being alone)
Jamie: The Web (manipulative and controlling, wanting to conduct the world like puppets on a stage, whilst really being a puppet themself)
Josephine: The Eye (seeking the truth, wanting answers, looking into places even when she really shouldn't)
Aurora: The Slaughter (idk what to tell you Rory is literaly a serial killer)
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richrantferguson · 1 year ago
What to say to the carnival knife thrower when he knocks at your door
In society’s carnival of dark souls, we gotta worry about maniacs mistaking us for shooting galleries and crooked politicians swiping our price of admission to pad reelection funds. In the hall of mirrors where everything means nothing and nothing means everything, our inverse selves roam amongst us, doppelgänger gangbangers murdering sanity first and refusing to ask questions later. A…
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year ago
Doctor Who: The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
I rewatched this serial on 14 September 2023.
We begin with a recap from The Day of the Doctor (2013) because the serial continues on from there. Two Osgoods explain a problem and a solution. The problem is huge - factions of Zygons are rebelling against the truce on Earth and humans and Zygons are in grave danger.
This serial is full of doppelgänger goodness, as well as a few trips away from London. London is still the centre of it all, though.
As I wrote in my Black Archive on Face the Raven, “These Doctor Who Zygon stories explored the strains on refugee aliens living in a forced peace and what happens when a group radicalises among those refugees. The stories, while not subtle, do handle the complexities with a degree of sensitivity. They also deal with the effect of forgetting recent history, in this case enforced to protect UNIT’s Black Archive and the fragile peace between humans and Zygons on Earth.”
I adore Osgood, and the ending is just fine.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years ago
Social Media Odds and Ends
As always, here are some things that I've either found or have been sent to me in the past week or so.
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First, it appears they've pushed the Richonne spinoff back. No idea why. Could be any number of logistical, money- or business-related things.
My Bethyl heart would like to think it's because they're going to make Bethyl the focus for this year. Richonne's will be the focus of next year.
No way to know, of course. That's just me guessing and hoping, but there it is.
Then this.
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Yeah, no idea what he's alluding to here, but clearly it's TWD related. So, not really Bethyl, but to me this shows that what we've been saying all along is true. Even the characters not currently slated for a spinoff (such as Zeke, CAROL, Aaron, and others) are still involved in the TWD universe and there are things in the works that the actors clearly know about. So, just kind of interesting.
Norman posted this as well:
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I'll just copy and paste the short convo my fellow theorists and I had about it:
Okay, we all know that Norman is into some weirdo stuff. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that he’s pals with Ozzy Osbourne, as we already know he’s friends with Marilyn Manson. (Or he may just like Ozzy’s music. And, you know, cool.)
But even so. Isn’t this like the dozenth time in the past month that he’s posted something about either wolves or moons?
Can’t help but think of that scene in Diverged where he’s fixing his bike and hears wolves howling in the distance. 🤔
He does seem to be on the theme of wolf and wolf related things, doesn't he?
Funny you mention Diverged, @twdmusicboxmytery, as I immediately thought of the [howling] caption. I feel like we focus so much on Find Me but Diverged is also a total puzzle. I know we’ve tried to speculate whether it was written before Carol exited the spin-off. I really think it had to be, considering that it’s called “Diverged” and is a man allegory of separation.
It’s also a story about process, and problem solving. A very weird episode. Daryl has to fix his bike, which requires him to solve the problem of his missing knife. Carol is solving multiple problems at Alexandria, and the knife helps her solve those problems. Each character is dealing with an obstacle. Daryl is dealing with a slew of military walkers. Carol is dealing with a rat.
The howling wolf is fully environmental. It must be foreshadowing. It’s almost comical. Any and all wolf imagery refers back to Beth and to Coda, re: Gimple’s “Up the Wolves” and the Hannah Fairlight magazine cover. I really don’t see how they’re gonna have a bunch of wolf and full moon references and NOT expect a scrupulous audience to draw a connection back to Still and Coda. So, yeah.
Oh, and in Diverged, the knife is another callback to Beth, re: the transfer of a knife between Carol and Daryl, but the knife doesn’t belong to either. In Them, the knife is Beth’s. In Diverged, the knife is Leah’s. Leah is a mirror image or inversion of Beth, but at the time, she didn’t look like Beth yet, and we were confused. Now, however, after the “Ponytail,” we know that Leah is meant as a clear Beth proxy/inverted doppelgänger. So it changes things.
Finally, Emily posted this:
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I find it interesting, but I'm also a little clueless as to what she's referring to. I want to believe it might be love, but that's probably just my Bethyl bias blindness.
I mean, I think love works as the answer, but that's very broad. She's talking more about attractive forces in the universe, drawing what you want toward you. Witches use spells to get what they want. Evil ones might use them to hurt others, but they're still after something they want. Manifestation is about "manifesting" the life you want. Quantum physics is science's answer to attractive forces in the universe. (Love is one of these forces, btw.)
So, I think it's about what many people would consider the mysterious forces that lead us toward fate, destiny, etc. That bring us answers and help us understand the meaning of our existence.
Sounds like an allusion to Daryl finally finding Beth to me. ;D
Thank you so much for explaining and I love your explanation. That writers perception is very helpful.
So yeah. There's the social media tidbits for this week. Make what you will of them! 😉
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autisticlio · 10 months ago
Raymesis Propaganda
Who is Raymesis?
Raymesis is a playable character in Ubiarts games for the Rayman series. He is a clone of the main character Rayman created by Mr. Dark, the first game’s antagonist. While he is functionally a costume, from in-game descriptions and the Brawlhalla crossover, he is shown to have a mischievous and hot-headed personality who previously worked under Mr. Dark, only to now focus on ruining Rayman’s reputation instead. Why? Just for the lols.
“In an attempt to tarnish Rayman's reputation, Raymesis dresses like him and stalks the Glade of Dreams smashing things! A desperate case in need of serious anger management.” - Rayman Legends description.
“Bubble me! Rayman's evil clone! What a nightmare you were! Still single? Well, you are soooo ugly. Blame it on Mr. Dark! You ARE on my side though...GULP, right DarkRay...!” -Polokus in Rayman Origins.
However, Raymesis is only one of many ‘evil Rayman’ characters. One of said other doppelgängers is referenced in Polokus’ comment (DarkRay being the mimic in Rayman 1). This has lead to a variety of speculation on whether these evil Rays are all the same or not.
In any case, Raymesis is also one of Rayman’s alts in Brawlhalla. This variant of him gives the player Psychlops gloves, Psychlops basically being one-eyed blobs that protrude spikes when threatened. So basically pufferfish gloves. He also has an axe like Rayman and Barbara in the game. Look how excited he is about that axe.
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Why you should vote for Raymesis
Who doesn’t love a doppelgänger that specifically exists to mess with the protagonist? He has a fun color palette from the cool colors, being an inverse to Rayman’s red and orange. The purples of Rayman’s hoodie are also Raymesis’ hair color instead. He also bears spirals and glowing yellow eyes, just like his creator.
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While at first glance he may seem to just be a simple palette swap, both the staff and fans are evident enough that he’s left a clear impact on the Rayman series. For many, such as myself, he is one of their favorite costumes to play as. Raymesis is for the teens who were obsessed with Hot Topic and Invader Zim, the Shadow the Hedgehog enthusiasts, and the gays.
However, my main motivation for wanting him to win is who his opponent will likely be: Mr. L, aka Brainwashed Luigi. Having two characters from a platformer series duke it out would be the perfect way to end this tournament. It would be perfectly chaotic, and I think it would be exactly what Raymesis would want if he were real.
In conclusion, vote Raymesis!
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hearttstopper · 5 years ago
Do you have recs for psychological thriller films?
Hi! Sorry this took me a minute, I drafted it to come back to it and forgot about it. But here are some of my fav psych thrillers under the cut :)
(I’d like to quickly preface this rec list by saying that psychological thrillers don’t always equal horror movies. I saw some people saying that they think they’ll skip Don’t Worry Darling as they’re not fans of ‘horror’ movies and as a big fan of psychological thrillers, & I think that’s a really sad reason to skip a movie :( I’m not big on scary movies either, so I don’t think it’s fair to write off all psychological thrillers as horror movies. Usually psychological thrillers focus more on internal struggles that the characters face - death, purpose, reality, etc. Psych. thrillers can have elements of horror, sci-fi, drama, comedy, etc. etc - there’s tons of crossover in this genre - but overall I’d say that the aim of a psych. thriller is to keep you on your toes and thrill you, not horrify you like an outright horror movie does. Just something that bothered me when I was seeing initial fan reactions - hopefully some people will reconsider!!)
Donnie Darko: After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who manipulates him to commit a series of crimes. 
Se7en: Two homicide detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives.
Gone Girl: With his wife's disappearance having become the focus of an intense media circus, a man sees the spotlight turned on him when it's suspected that he may not be innocent.
Silence of the Lambs: A young F.B.I. cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer, a madman who skins his victims.
Us: A family's serene beach vacation turns to chaos when their doppelgängers appear and begin to terrorize them.
The Sixth Sense: A boy who communicates with spirits seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist.
Zodiac: In the late 1960s/early 1970s, a San Francisco cartoonist becomes an amateur detective obsessed with tracking down the Zodiac Killer, an unidentified individual who terrorizes Northern California with a killing spree.
Inception: A thief who steals corporate secrets through the use of dream-sharing technology is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a C.E.O.
Shutter Island: In 1954, a U.S. Marshal investigates the disappearance of a murderer who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane.
Mulholland Drive: After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesiac, she and a perky Hollywood-hopeful search for clues and answers across Los Angeles in a twisting venture beyond dreams and reality.
Requiem For a Dream: The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island people are shattered when their addictions run deep. (More of a psychological drama - horrifying, but not outright horror.)
Nightcrawler: When Louis Bloom, a con man desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story.
10 Cloverfield Lane: After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.
Black Swan: A committed dancer struggles to maintain her sanity after winning the lead role in a production of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake".
Invasion of the Body Snatchers: When strange seeds drift to earth from space, mysterious pods begin to grow and invade San Francisco, California, where they replicate the residents into emotionless automatons one body at a time.
Signs: A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come.
One Hour Photo: A mentally unstable photo developer targets a middle-class family after his obsession with them becomes more sick and disturbing than any of them could imagine.
The Shining: A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where a sinister presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from both past and future.
Disturbia: A teen living under house arrest becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer. To Catch a Thief: A retired jewel thief sets out to prove his innocence after being suspected of returning to his former occupation.
The Burbs: An overstressed suburbanite and his neighbors are convinced that the new family on the block are part of a murderous Satanic cult. (More of a bizarre comedy with horror undertones, but I still love it so... watch it.)
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bladesradshack · 4 years ago
alter intros ig because we never did any
Dani (she/he), 16/17, host/co-host
Cab (he/they/it/car), 15/16, host/co-host
Jared (he/him), 15-20?, co-host
Lemon (she/xe/they/any nps), 12-14?, co-hosts sometimes
Friend (it/they/xe), ageless, fronts sometimes
Mob (he/void; introject of mob from mp100), 13-16, fronts sometimes
Apple (they/doll), 17+, fronts sometimes
Luc/lucius (he/vamp/they), ageless, fronts for specific things (not negative)
&/&&&/and (it/4/he), ageless, fronts due to specific things (negative)
Dk (changes)(any pronouns), ageless, fronts when it makes sense
Akira (they/ad/void), 15, fronts ...?
Ivan (he/him/?), age unknown, fronts Randomly
Some alters (mainly introjects) we speculate but not entirely sure of
markiplier (yup)(he/him), age is . Age, no idea abt fronting
Technoblade (came from a small hyperfix im assuming)(he/him), age ?????, fronts????
Fuckihn. Cabinet Man Lemon Demon (help /lh)(he/??????), no age, vibes only
Their Roles etc
Dani is the fighter (and the funnier one)
Cab is the doppelgänger of blade (aka he subs in when blade isnt fronting when he Should Be)
Jared is some random anime fan i guess (no specific role)
Lemon is sort of a little but not because shes fairly close to the bodys age as is so we like to call xer our friend :)
Friend is the one who kinda co-hosts with cab or mob a lot. i dont really know its role but theyre anxious a lot?? Idk
Mob is an introject/fictive of shiego from mp100 (which he knows), he doesnt front often but he's definitely there. He's sort of like a very friendly protector in a sense.
Apple. Oh apple... gayass alter and also sort of an nsfw oriented alter but thats none of yalls business
Luc is also gayass alter but inverse /j , he is the confidence booster TBH funky little vampire
& is not for the public so i advise not talking to him (genuinely), he holds a lot of trauma from a lot of psychosis related events and childhood stuff. He digs minecraft tho so we let it play sometimes!!
Dk is (me) generally not too known. Sort of a bandaid to put onto a cracked window but thats OK i dont mind
Akira is the younger version of us. They also go by our deadname partly but we sorta do that as is (unaccepting household vibes) so its not too big of a difference idk. Sort of a trauma holder but stored away.
Markiplier is 1) unknown and 2) seemingly the uplifter??? Idk if he's fr in here but theres always a possibility (we have his traits)
Techno is also unknown but im guessing that we just act like him sometimes .. so much he might have become his own alter??? Its hard to explain but i dont think he has a role exactly
Cabinet man was probably due to a hyperfixation on the song Cabinet Man by lemon demon but I honestly think that he has always been here somehow
Ivan is just manic idk but hes cool tho makes cool little drawings (that i find slightly concerning but im all for it)
Triggers !!!!!
simulation jokes
Glitchy like videos
8d audios
Specifically tapping or knocking in 8d
Soupaslide (esp by hanging)
Self harme
Things that cant really be explained
Thanks for reading 😁😁😁
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years ago
Opposites Align
Opposites Align by MakeshiftDust
Todoroki took a closer look at the stranger. He was startled to see his own face staring back at him, including the scar, though it was over his right eye instead of his left. The man had similar two-tone hair, but it wasn't the same. Instead of red and white, it was black and white- with the white on his left side. They both wore the same black turtleneck sweater. His eyes were cold and lifeless, and his lips were turned up in a wry half-smile.
“Who are you?” Todoroki demanded.
“Call me Shouchan,” said the stranger- and was that his own voice?
Words: 6745, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Shouchan (inverse Todoroki), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Awase Yousetsu, Kamakiri Togaru, doctor (OC)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto & himself
Additional Tags: Doppelganger, Mirror Universe, Supernatural Elements, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Misunderstandings, Todoroki Shouto needs anger management, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Todoroki Shouto Needs Therapy, Evil doppelgänger, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31119647
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mythicaltype · 4 years ago
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Physical copies of this zine are available in my Etsy shop.
Text in images:
So You Met Your Doppelgänger: How to deal with the other You. 
A practical guide.
Step 1: Don’t Panic. 
Your doppelgänger might be as confused as you are. Determine if they are:
a) a shapeshifter
b) a time traveler
c) a clone
d) from an alternate universe
e) a long-lost twin
f) any of the above...plus evil
Do not assume your doppelgänger is evil. They probably are not trying to take over your life or hurt you.
Step 2: Learn about each other.
Determine which of the following applies to you and your doppelgänger: 
- You have the same skills, likes, dislikes and personalities
- You are inverses of each other--different skills; opposite likes and dislikes
- You share the same memories
- You share new memories each of you creates (this may require testing)
Step 3: Decide how to co-exist. 
Depending on the goals of you and your doppelgänger, decide if you will share one life (one identity) or have two lives (two identities). 
Weigh the pros and cons, as well as ethical concerns.
If you need to set up an identity for your doppelgänger, see the [REDACTED] guide.
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